Saturday, May 30, 2020

Blue Collar Job Search What Job Titles Do You Want

Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Job Titles Do You Want Continuing this series for a blue collar job search, the next step is to identify job titles you should be searching for. Before I got laid off I didnt really care about job titles except my own job title.  When I started a job search I searched for job titles I was familiar with. I had no idea that there were other job titles I should have been looking for. Same with you there are likely job titles that are posted online that you havent heard of.  One reason is because companies might have proprietary titles that dont make sense to anyone outside of the company. Once again, head over to and do a simple search for titles you know you are looking for and then sift through the postings to see what other job titles come up. My buddy is a genius at building and maintaining he can do a lot of different things.  I tried the title facility maintenance, which is a generic term to describe the maintenance professionals who do a lot of different things in an existing building, and eventually found the following titles: facility maintenance tech facility operations facility manager operations supervisor operations technician You can do searches on any of these other titles and see what other job titles come up once again, this is a brainstorming exercise to help you broaden your search and find more opportunities. Similar to what you get when you have a list of target companies, knowing some different job titles can help you as you network.  For example, if someone asks you how the job search is going you can respond with its going great Im looking for a job in facility operations or as an operation technician do you know anyone at your company that can introduce me to the maintenance manager so I can talk to him/her? By now you have a better idea of what you want in a job (or work environment), what some of your target companies are and what some job titles you would apply for are. next is (well, come back tomorrow!) what where job title, keywords or company city, state or zip jobs by The JibberJobber Blue Collar Job Search Series: Blue Collar Job Search â€" How To Find A Blue Collar Job  (5/17/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Do You Want in a Job  (5/18/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Identify Target Companies  (5/19/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Job Titles Do You Want?  (5/20/10) Shame  (5/24/10) Blue Collar Job Search: Your Elevator Pitch  (5/27/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Personal Values Propositions  (5/28/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Job Seeker Newsletter  (6/3/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Job Titles Do You Want Continuing this series for a blue collar job search, the next step is to identify job titles you should be searching for. Before I got laid off I didnt really care about job titles except my own job title.  When I started a job search I searched for job titles I was familiar with. I had no idea that there were other job titles I should have been looking for. Same with you there are likely job titles that are posted online that you havent heard of.  One reason is because companies might have proprietary titles that dont make sense to anyone outside of the company. Once again, head over to and do a simple search for titles you know you are looking for and then sift through the postings to see what other job titles come up. My buddy is a genius at building and maintaining he can do a lot of different things.  I tried the title facility maintenance, which is a generic term to describe the maintenance professionals who do a lot of different things in an existing building, and eventually found the following titles: facility maintenance tech facility operations facility manager operations supervisor operations technician You can do searches on any of these other titles and see what other job titles come up once again, this is a brainstorming exercise to help you broaden your search and find more opportunities. Similar to what you get when you have a list of target companies, knowing some different job titles can help you as you network.  For example, if someone asks you how the job search is going you can respond with its going great Im looking for a job in facility operations or as an operation technician do you know anyone at your company that can introduce me to the maintenance manager so I can talk to him/her? By now you have a better idea of what you want in a job (or work environment), what some of your target companies are and what some job titles you would apply for are. next is (well, come back tomorrow!) what where job title, keywords or company city, state or zip jobs by The JibberJobber Blue Collar Job Search Series: Blue Collar Job Search â€" How To Find A Blue Collar Job  (5/17/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Do You Want in a Job  (5/18/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Identify Target Companies  (5/19/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Job Titles Do You Want?  (5/20/10) Shame  (5/24/10) Blue Collar Job Search: Your Elevator Pitch  (5/27/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Personal Values Propositions  (5/28/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Job Seeker Newsletter  (6/3/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Job Titles Do You Want Continuing this series for a blue collar job search, the next step is to identify job titles you should be searching for. Before I got laid off I didnt really care about job titles except my own job title.  When I started a job search I searched for job titles I was familiar with. I had no idea that there were other job titles I should have been looking for. Same with you there are likely job titles that are posted online that you havent heard of.  One reason is because companies might have proprietary titles that dont make sense to anyone outside of the company. Once again, head over to and do a simple search for titles you know you are looking for and then sift through the postings to see what other job titles come up. My buddy is a genius at building and maintaining he can do a lot of different things.  I tried the title facility maintenance, which is a generic term to describe the maintenance professionals who do a lot of different things in an existing building, and eventually found the following titles: facility maintenance tech facility operations facility manager operations supervisor operations technician You can do searches on any of these other titles and see what other job titles come up once again, this is a brainstorming exercise to help you broaden your search and find more opportunities. Similar to what you get when you have a list of target companies, knowing some different job titles can help you as you network.  For example, if someone asks you how the job search is going you can respond with its going great Im looking for a job in facility operations or as an operation technician do you know anyone at your company that can introduce me to the maintenance manager so I can talk to him/her? By now you have a better idea of what you want in a job (or work environment), what some of your target companies are and what some job titles you would apply for are. next is (well, come back tomorrow!) what where job title, keywords or company city, state or zip jobs by The JibberJobber Blue Collar Job Search Series: Blue Collar Job Search â€" How To Find A Blue Collar Job  (5/17/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Do You Want in a Job  (5/18/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Identify Target Companies  (5/19/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" What Job Titles Do You Want?  (5/20/10) Shame  (5/24/10) Blue Collar Job Search: Your Elevator Pitch  (5/27/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Personal Values Propositions  (5/28/10) Blue Collar Job Search â€" Job Seeker Newsletter  (6/3/10)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Four Easy Money Saving Habits

Four Easy Money Saving Habits If youre like me, at the end of the week you look at your wallet and think where did all my money go? Somehow it just manages to disappear or at least it feels that way.You may have bought a bottle of water on Tuesday when you were going to yoga. You made a few trips to the grocery store last week and a few more to the ATM. All these things add up. Before you know it, what you thought was going to be a relatively spend-free week actually ended up costing you quite a bit. Weeks like this happen again and again and youve just created that ugly endless cycle of overspending. Ive learned two things in the year that I spent renovating my money habits: Its a daily effort You have to have a game plan Remember the movie Groundhog Day where the actor finds himself reliving the same day over and over again? Some aspects of budgeting are like that and embracing routine does wonders to being success with saving money. Small changes, go a long way. Every week, there are a few things I do over and over again and despite the fact that it could be a challenge sometimes, Im motivated by the nice big savings at the end of that week. Heres are four habits that have helped fatten up my savings account. 1) Make a grocery list In my frivolous days, Id walk aimlessly through the supermarket and try to remember what I need. Id end up with way too much stuff, which I would eventually feed the garbage can. I was pretty much throwing away cash. These days, I make a list of what Ill need for the week and stick to that list. Im not great with paper. I lose things all the time, so I just make a list on my smartphone. That way its with me at all times and when I remember something throughout the week, I add it to the list.   These days, Im so organized that I make it out of the grocery store in less than 20 minutes. 2) Take out cash for the entire week I rarely use my debt card for every day purchases. When you dont actually feel and see the money youre spending, its hard to put it into perspective, which translates into over spending. Every Monday, I take out cash that will last me the entire week and once Ive gone through that amount, I dont allow myself to take out any more. In the beginning, Id often run out by Thursday, but Ive learned how to make it stretch these days. Not only am I saving more, but the amount of money Ive saved in bank and ATM fees is amazing. 3) Take your lunch to work I make sure to cook a lot at once for two reasons first, I hate cooking so if I can get it over with once, Im happy with that. Secondly, Ill have enough left overs to take lunch to work. It amazed me to see how much money I was saving just my bagging lunch. I could easily save$200 a month. 4) Have one day a week where you spend nothing Ive heard of people doing creative things to have a no spending day. Mine was wrapping a good old-fashioned rubber band around my wallet. Not cute, but every time I reached for my wallet and saw that rubber band, I was a reminder that I couldnt spend anything that day. It totally works. It was hard to change my spending habits and my attitude towards money. Now that my frivolous days are behind me, I realized that the small changes I made with my personal finance habits were incredibly helpful. I knew that I had to make changes that were realistic and sustainable and these habits are definitely things Ive been able to maintain. What finance do you have that have helped you save money?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

4 Tips for Communicating with Recruiters

4 Tips for Communicating with Recruiters You finally found itâ€"your dream job. And after some detective work on Google, the company website, and social media, you’ve tracked down the HR manager or recruiter responsible for filling the position. How do you proceed? This is your first impression, and you want to make a good one. Before you contact the recruiter, take a deep breath and remember they are a person, too. Instead of thinking about what you want, focus on building a relationship with the recruiter and fulfilling their needs. Here are some tips to remember when communicating with recruiters that could help you secure your dream job: 1. Make a connection: Recruiters receive about 250 resumes for every position. So how do you get their attention? Relationships are the key. Connect with recruiters on social media and job boards. According to a survey from Jobvite, 93 percent of recruiters already use or plan to use social media to support recruiting efforts and 73 percent plan to increase their investment in social recruiting this year.Although recruiters are active on multiple social platforms, choose one to connect with them. Don’t bombard them with messages and requests. Reaching out through multiple platforms will only annoy recruiters, placing you on their stalker list instead of their list of qualified candidates. 2. Break the ice: Sending a cold email or message over social media can feel awkward, uncomfortable, and forced, like a first date. To break the ice, find something you both have in common. Do you have similar interests? Do you both belong to the same organization? Did you graduate from the same school? Searching social media and job boards may give you some leads. But, just like a first date, you don’t want to come on too strong or appear desperate. Express your enthusiasm without going over the top. 3. Mind the details: When contacting recruiters, be sure you are qualified for the position you want. About 50 percent of job seekers don’t have the basic qualifications for the job they are pursuing. In addition, 38 percent of companies have open positions they cannot find talent to fill. Recruiters spend a lot of time sorting through candidates who aren’t right for the positionâ€"don’t waste their time or your own. Contacting a recruiter about a job you aren’t qualified for will only frustrate them. After carefully reviewing the job description to make sure you are qualified, tailor your communication to that position. Be specific, and explain why your experiences and skills are a good match. Although you want to customize your communication to the job, don’t twist information to fit certain qualifications. About 96 percent of recruiters follow up with references before hiring. If you embellish or lie, the truth will come out. 4. Be patient: Waiting for a response is nerve wracking, and you may want to frequently check back in with the recruiter. But don’t give in to temptation. Although you can and should follow up with a recruiter, constant communication will do more harm than good. On average, filling a position takes about 24 working days and can take up to about 39 days in some fields. Be patient. The process will take some time. If a recruiter doesn’t give a specific timeframe in which to expect a response or update, ask for one. If you know when to expect communication, you will have some peace of mind and the recruiter will not have to handle your constant stream of emails, phone calls, and messages. If you are trying to establish a relationship for future job opportunities, stay in touch with the recruiter. But remember to give them breathing room. A relationship is a two-way streetâ€"it’s not always about you. Make yourself a knowledgeable resource, not a pesky job seeker. Send along articles you think they will find interesting or useful, comment on or share their social media posts, and stay active on social media platforms you are connected on. Have you had success communicating with recruiters? What are your tips? RELATED:  How Not to Contact Recruiters On LinkedIn Author: Robyn Melhuish is the Communications Manager at, a job board which gives members access to the most sought after medical sales jobs and pharmaceutical sales jobs on the Web.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Best Practices To Improve Your Recruitment Process

Best Practices To Improve Your Recruitment Process As the competition to get employed in a decent organization is increasing, so is the urgency to hire a   talented employee. Yes, landing a dream job in today’s time of aggressive competition is arduous but the recruitment team is struggling through hardship to find the right candidate with the right skills to fill the vacancy. In this digital age of cut throat competition, organizations still following the decade-old recruitment process will find themselves hiring incompetent candidates that wont work out and ultimately do the organization more harm than good. No longer are recruiters posting the job on boards, and a queue of anticipating candidates forms outside the company. Recruiters today are having a tough time trying to attract and retain a talent pool, balancing the speed and quality of hire, incompetence in adequately utilizing data, etc. The prime reason for the inability to resolve these challenges lies in the structure and implementation of the recruitment process. Following are the practices that you can adopt to improve your recruitment process: CREATE A CALCULATED AND DETAILED JOB POSTING: Are your job postings going unnoticed? Recruiters will have to accept the fact that reaching out to candidates is nothing less than advertising, where first impression matters. Its time you get your mojo on and start working on making the job posting more creative. Instead of just mentioning the vacant designation, requisites, etc. we would suggest you define the position with the benchmark achieved by former employees. The performance parameters will help you filter out the candidates who you need to fill the position. Attracting specific details to the job postings will help you attract, hire and retain the right talent.  REDUCE THE APPLICATION ABANDONMENT RATE: When a candidate is in the process of filling the application form, but the complexity of it makes them abandon it, this is termed as application abandonment rate, which to a surprise of most of the recruiters is significantly high. When designing an application form, recruiters should keep themselves in the position of the candidates and try to create the application form as simple as possible. Recruiters can also make use of applicant tracking software to identify at what point does a candidate start to lose interest in their application process. BE WELL PREPARED AT THE INTERVIEW: If you think that only candidate has to be prepared for interviews and only you have the right to judge, then you are highly mistaken. With websites like Glassdoor giving employees a platform to rate and review the employers, interviewers too have to be well prepared with direct and relevant questions after thoroughly reviewing the resumes. If you are judging the candidates on their knowledge and expertise, your organization is being assessed by the candidate for the quality of conversation the interviewers have. These tips would be efficacious in transforming your recruitment process, enabling qualitative hiring of candidates but why burden your in-house team when their knowledge and expertise can be put to good use in achieving organizational goals? Outsource the recruitment processing services to a credible RPO agency, whose team of recruiting experts will implement techniques aligned with the global job market standard to ensure that the organization only hires the best fit. By outsourcing recruitment processing, not only do you save on time, money and other vital resources but a stronger quality of hires which only the panel of industry recruitment experts with access to all the latest tools and technology can provide. In the long run, as a recruit to hire rate becomes consistent and candidate quality gradually escalates, RPO service results in the strengthening of the employer brand.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Creating a Good Looking RN Resume Template

Creating a Good Looking RN Resume TemplateA RN Resume Template can be a great way to get a great looking resume in a short period of time. These types of templates are generally just a bit more difficult to create because you have to use Microsoft Word. You also want to make sure that you are not using the word 'RN' in your resume. That is a hard one to avoid and people are really going to try to correct you on that one.It is often difficult to get a feel for what a well-written resume should look like. Most people do not have any kind of idea about how to write a resume. Having a great looking template can help to make it easier for you to create a resume.This is especially true if you are able to use the template for all of your resumes. There are a few ways that you can use the template. Some people may choose to use it only for their first time when creating their next resume. Other people may choose to use the template over again.The fact that there are so many different types o f templates makes them perfect for this situation. You can simply search for templates that are appropriate for your job. Even if you only need one or two resumes, you will be able to find an appropriate template that you can use over again.There are also some RN resume templates that will be designed for the specific kind of experience that you want to portray. You can find a few websites that allow you to input your experiences in the specific field that you would like to portray in your resume. For example, if you are interested in being a nurse, you may be able to use the same template that nurses use.There are some RN resume templates that are designed specifically for medical staff. There are also some templates that are designed for RNs who work in nursing homes. You can get just about any kind of template that you need to craft a great looking resume.Because of the increase in such large number of hospitals across the country, there are some nurses who are retired from their jobs. When they go into work as nursing assistants, they are able to sell their service to other nursing homes. Many of these homes can then use these homes to keep them on their payroll. They then use the template to help them craft a nice looking resume for their prospective employers.Using a template is a great way to keep the look of your resume consistent. It is a good idea to have a few different templates for your resume so that you can adjust the template if you need to. You should look online to find a good looking template that is appropriate for your job. You can also ask a friend if they have a good looking template for you to use in your job search.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Food Glorious Food Ideal Careers For Foodies - CareerAlley

Food Glorious Food Ideal Careers For Foodies - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. For some people, food is not just what they need to survive, but an enduring passion that they think about night and day. Of course, for the food-obsessed, choosing a career that allows them to indulge their passion while earning a good wage is always a smart idea. Happily, you can read about some of the best food-related choices in the post below. Something that can help you make the perfect choice concerning your foodie career. Picture link Chef The most obvious of all food-related roles to choose is that of a chef. Whether you want to work in a Michelin starred restaurant, a local bistro, cruise ship or even a pastry kitchen. Chefs are, of course, the people that are at the front lines of the kitchen, preparing and cooking the dishes that will be sent out for customers. However, before you enter into such a career, it wise to find out about the job first. In fact, the long hours, most of which you will spend standing while working in a hot and steamy kitchen can be something of a challenge for some. Also, the constant pressure of having to get orders out on time can be too stressful for many. However, there will always be people that thrive on this pressure. In fact, when you combine this drive with the love of devising new dishes, a role as a chef can be a gratifying one for a committed foodie. Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay Ingredients suppliers If things get a little too hot for you in the kitchen, but food is still your passion, why not consider supplying ingredients for chefs to use? In fact, many people already have successful businesses all around the world doing this, and there is no reason that you cannot join their ranks. For the food-obsessed, choosing a career that allows them to indulge their passion while earning a good wage is always a smart idea Tweet This Of course, the first thing you will need to think about is what kind of ingredient you will produce and supply. Those with significant funds may choose to raise livestock. This being something that allows them to supply meat products to a professional kitchen. While those with smaller budgets can do very well gown things like microgreens. In fact, choosing to be a Microgreens Farmer can be a very lucrative option, as the demand for such products is currently very high. The reason being that it is easy to set up with just a few relatively inexpensive pieces of equipment. Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay Restaurant owner If you dont fancy the other options, there is another option to consider. Of course, its opening and managing a restaurant yourself. It is wise to consider this very carefully behind, however. The reason being that many people believe running an eatery to be much easier than it actually is. After all, its not just about pleasing customers but balancing the books, managing your staff, finding the best ingredients as well. Of course, having said that, there is no better type of person to start up their own restaurant that one that has a real passion for food. Something that makes this as legitimate a career choice for a foodie as any of the others mentioned above. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

Friday, May 8, 2020

What you must do to prepare for a job interview - Sterling Career Concepts

What you must do to prepare for a job interview What you must do to prepare for a job interview Do Your Homework. You wouldn’t buy a car without researching the brand, make, and model a bit first, would you? Then why would you go to an interview without first doing a Google search on the company, looking at their website, and studying what they do? It’s easier than ever these days to not only research the company, but also the person interviewing you and you may even be able to find out the salary range for your position at that company!